
Mar 17, 2014

AW2_4 & 38 Bit Wonder

Sorry for the late post, lot of stuff going on at home.
But I got a lot of work done, a lot of new things added so I hope that can make up for the delay:

The brand new Main Menu :)

The player going through the forest

So as you can see the new Main Menu features showing what your character looks like, as well as allowing you to pick from more options. I also finally got around to texturing the player and  fixing up his animations.

Tomorrow I plan to finalize the Networking, as well as create some Interface to the game. And due to popular request, I also plan to get the ability to switch between first and third person in soon.

Also I have started on a little side project called "38 Bit Wonder" it is a small 2D game I am making, you can check it out at

"Make a hardcore mode where you can only go in First Person" - Josh Fordenski
-Great idea, will do.

"That gas station is unrealistically large, are they that big where you are?" - Josh Fordenski
-I live in a small poor town, no way a gas station that big would exist. But I imagine like Robofighter said that in the bigger areas gas stations would get that big.

Thanks for reading, feel free to leave a comment, and I'll see you in the next post!

Special Shout-out to:

RoboFighter1000 - For sticking by this blog since the start!

I cannot stress enough how much your guy's feedback means to me, it's really great when I see the different suggestions, because it means your interested in what I do and you want to help make it better!

I hope to start doing more daily posts and update the game a lot more often!
Feel free to leave a comment, and I'll see you in the next post! Stay awesome guys.


  1. When will it come out? It looks like a great game can't wait to play it.

  2. "I cannot stress enough how much your guy's feedback means to me, it's really great when I see the different suggestions, because it means your interested in what I do and you want to help make it better!"

    Yeah, I'd believe this if you didn't delete my comments.

    1. Anonymous3/22/2014

      That was a temporary post to help out my brother, sorry if I made you feel bad Edward ;(

