
Mar 12, 2014


So today I was really productive and got a lot done, Including the player's Idle animation & making the grass more 'Lush' :

The player's Idle animation looking off into the distance
I also added more detail to the world with a path & Gas Station:

The overview of the entire map

This brand new building will allow for more script testing such as picking items up off shelves, or testing vehicles on the pumps.

And finally I worked on some "Pickup" Animations for the character, this will add more depth & Realism to the game which will allow it to seem a little more like you are "Emerged" in it.

The player picking up an item off the shelf
These new animations will add a lot of depth to the game, and no he is not actually picking up any thing, a animation is playing.

So that is all for today, I hope to get some more items added tomorrow, and start on picking things up soon as well as Inventory!

NOTE: As you guys may have noticed, this is now a Third Person game, which means things will be a little more different. The choice was made after studying a little and seeing that I personally like Third Person a little better as well as First Person is more for "Constant Action" Games, as this game will be more toward the survival / action side.

Feel free to leave a comment, and I'll see you in the next post!


  1. I rarely post comments on my own posts, but just a quick thing (Without having to edit the post) Do you guys prefer first or third person games?

    1. first person personally

    2. I like a game where you can switch between both first and third person views.

  2. Anonymous3/13/2014

    He looks like an explorer in that Idle pose xD

  3. Sorry I haven't been on recently, really busy.

    it looks really cool, i am glad its now third person, too many first person games out there..

    Also that gas station is really big, the ones around me aren't even close to that size, is that how big they are around you?

    1. Anonymous3/13/2014

      Is wawa around you?
      they have super wawa's that are that size and bigger.

    2. wawa? What is wawa?

    3. Anonymous3/15/2014

      its like a 7-11 if those are near you
      you know like those little stores that are like a gas station and a

  4. Anonymous3/13/2014

    Looks really good can we be able to switch from third to first.

  5. Anonymous3/13/2014

    I like the first person
    there is a problem with the third people can glitch to look through walls and also they can see some one if they are sneaking up behind them which isn't fun if it is a dude with a machinegun vs the dude with the knife.

    1. I have an idea, maybe he can do the arma thing where there are different modes, normal and hardcore. and if on hardcore mode, you can't go third person and you can only go first person.

      that will make for people that want the challenge like you to be able to choose :D

  6. Anonymous3/13/2014


    HI :3

  7. Anonymous3/17/2014

    wen da nxt patch

    1. Anonymous3/17/2014

      He said on TeamSpeak that he plans to release the next patch tomorrow
