
Aug 27, 2014

Lack of Patches & SubRosa Features

          I know there has been a lack of Posts, and Patches but I do want to assure you guys that I am still active in the field. In fact I am pleased to announce my game "Sub Rosa" is ready for the Greenlight, only it needs the $100 funds to do so. And since I have just about done everything to Sub Rosa I can until real testing gets going I have decided to not sit around and take on a new project (This post is actually a little late) But I have been working on something called "Axe" its a 'Secretive' project so I won't let you guys know what its about or what it is until its ready. All I will provide will be screenshots with a brief explanation and you guys will get to guess what the game is about.

          Again sorry for the lack of posts but again, been busy school is coming up in a week and  things have been a little chaotic, however just to assure you things are still getting done. Let me go over some of the features of Sub Rosa:

+ Ladder System
+ Health System (Server Sync)
+ Animation Syncng
+ Realistic Driving Physics
+ Inventory System (3 Items, 1 Equipment, 1 Special item)
+ Blood, Bullets, Sparks,
+ Death System (With Respawn Timer)
+ Server Creation
+ Error Logs (Detailed to the Situation)
+ Basic AI (Shoot at you, run, and can be killed)
+ Vehicle Details (Windows can be shot out, Wheels can be popped)

Or a Brief Feature List
+ Full Multiplayer Compatability (With Server Creation)
+ Detailed Car Physics and Extras
+ Advanced Shooting System
+ Inventory Picking
+ Basic AI Implementation

Again sorry for lack of updates, but the game is ready for Steam, it just needs the funds to be put up.

Thanks for reading, Feel free to leave a Comment and I'll see you in the next post! Stay awesome :)


"Why are you not on that often anymore"
>I Try my hardest but it's difficult being able to Manage School & Dev well keeping you guys informed, I do however try to make an effort when I can to fit in Updates

"When can we play Sub Rosa?"
>I was actually thinking about doing a Pre-Greenlight test to see if you guys think its ready, I'll have to solid some more things first though

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