Soon I will be making a whole lego city your character can explore, and interact with too. The whole point of the world is that toys have come to life, and your a lego character.
The brand new lego pile :D
Climbing up some Pencils
Added Features:
- Legos
- Animation Networking
- New Props (Pencil, Legos)
- Lego Colors (Blue, Green, Teal, Orange, Pink, Red, White, & Yellow)
- A new chat system that displays when a player is connecting, connected and when a player disconnects.
I do in the next few patches plan to have a fully working chat system for you guys to enjoy!
Sorry to you guys who were hoping that I would have some new weapons for you to see but It is as hot as its been all month outside, so I am going to enjoy it. In the next patch I hope to get some of that done as well as adding some special features to the game.
Feel free to leave a comment, and I'll see you in the next post!
it sounds cool woll we bre able to take out one lego and the whole building falls apart or be able to build any thing